24th February 2015
Our latest Playground Tour focused on the co-location of fitness equipment near playgrounds (and other park facilities). We visited 4 parks in the Penrith Area, each with differing fitness offers. There were approximately 40 attendees (fully booked) from all over NSW, a great turnout, showing again how people appreciate the opportunity for informal learning in the more social setting of outdoor tours.
Our office in conjunction with Kidsafe, PLA and AILA have run playground tours for the last four years, averaging 3 tours a year. Planning for the next one is underway!
Thanks to everyone who attended the tour! We hope you enjoyed the day with us, and have shared your learning with your respective office teams. Ready for action!
Fiona illustrates her discussion with the multi-generational fitness equipment guide Fiona demonstrates her core strength on the Chest Press! Andrew Robinson at Jamison Park expounds the theory of co-locating playgrounds and fitness stations in parks